Chavara Cultural Centre, established in 1971, has been
active in spreading human values among all people, irrespective
of cast, creed, or sex. Our Centre has earned a reputation
for excellence and authenticity in this field.
To discover and encourage the innate abilities of
youth, the following programmes are envisaged: Quiz
contest, debates, art exhibitions, courses in public
speaking, efficient study methods, journalism, film
and theatre appreciation. |
To make youth aware of the importance of health
living course, seminars, and workshop will be arranged
relating to the following subjects: Yoga, Personal
hygiene, food and nutrition, basic principles of
Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Acupuncture
etc. |
To develop the personality of youth, exposure will
be given to modern psychological techniques like
counselling, transactional analysis and to time-tested
traditions of prayers and contemplation. |
Youth in India have their own special problems.
Very often, they take to escapist method when confronted
with the challenges of life. Classes and Seminars
will be organized to bridge the gap between the
elders and youth to assure continuity of our great
tradition, and to wean youth from cankerous habits
like alcoholism, drug addition, promiscuity etc. |
and Celebrations
With a view to achieving national and religious
festivals and will commemorates the memories of
great national leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Vivekananda,
Ambedkar, Narayana guru, Chattambi Swamikal
etc. |
To counter the rising tide of communalism and fundamentalism
and to foster unity, among
people belonging to different religious traditions,
live togethers, get-togethers and
interfaith dialogues will be organized. |
To include in young men and women the value systems
of different cultural traditions
and to create in them a meaning for life, it is
proposed to conduct value education
programmes in the centre. |
To enlighten the youth about the legal awareness
contemporary socio-political and religious issues
and to help them in objectively and realistically
evaluate their role, we propose
to conduct special courses and seminars. |
To build among people ecological awareness and to
bring home to them the ideal of human
stewardship of nature, various aspects related to
pollution and its control, town planning,
sustainable development, deforestation, responsibility
towards birds and animals will be
held in the centre. |
and Technology
To make people aware of the modern developments
in the field of science, and technology, short courses
and seminars will be conducted. Special courses
on computer technology will also be organized. |
In addition to the above programme, the Centre hopes
to organize regular summer course of
one-month duration to university students on topics
related to sociology ,politics,
religion and science by a visiting faculty of eminent
professors. |
and Society
To clarify, evaluate and restate the rights, obligations,
and the role of women in the family and in
society, special courses, seminars and
workshops will be organized, especially with a view
to eradicating social injustice towards women. |
To uplift especially marginalised and the poor,
vocational/self help programmes, free educational
and housing programmes, placement bureaus ,
marriage bureaus etc will be started. |